Leaf Condition
Leaf Spot
Leaf Location
Entire, Mature
Field Distribution
Prior Environmental
Organic Soil, Wind
Early Vegetative
Cropping System
Soybean Followed By Soybean, Conventional Till, Reduced Till


Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides (herbicide group [HG] 14) inhibit the production of chlorophyll. PPO-inhibiting herbicides minimally translocation through plants, thus the injury will only occur where the spray droplets come into contact with the soybean plant. Injury incurred by PPO-inhibiting herbicides applied pre-emergence includes necrosis on the margins of cotyledons and leaves (Figure 1). Injury can occur via having treated-soil water-splashed onto the emerging plant or contact with the herbicide in the soil-water as the plant emerges. Soybeans injured by PPO-inhibiting herbicides applied pre-emergence can result in plant death if the hypocotyls are chemically-excised. Injury incurred by PPO-inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence includes speckled-necrosis and plant stunting. The development of PPO-inhibiting herbicide injury will be rapid and injury will be greater on hot, humid days. The injury caused by PPO-inhibiting herbicides on soybeans will subside with 7 to 14 days after application. Labeled rotation restrictions should be followed to ensure that crops following soybeans are not injured by carryover of PPO-inhibiting herbicides.

PPO-inhibiting herbicide injury

Figure 1. PPO-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybeans applied pre-emergence.



Labeled rotation restrictions should be followed to ensure that crops following soybeans are not injured by carryover of PPO-inhibiting herbicides. Physical drift can be avoided by spraying when .the average wind speed is less than 10 miles an hour and mid-day or –afternoon to avoid a temperature inversion


Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Graduate Research Assistant
Crop and Soil Sciences
 This NC State FactSheet can be viewed and printed at https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/ppo-inhibiting-herbicide-injury-on-soybean.
NC State Extension