Fumigant Injury
- Type
- Physiological
- Leaf Condition
- Tip burn, Marginal necrosis, Interveinal necrosis, Complete necrosis, Stunted
- Leaf Color
- Marginal chlorosis, Interveinal chlorosis, Complete chlorosis
- Leaf Location
- Entire leaf, Upper surface, Underside, Edge, Young, Mature
- Roots
- Stunted, Necrotic
- Crown
- Crown necrotic, Internal discoloration
- Petioles Condition
- Death
- Plant Size
- Stunted
- Field Distribution
- Uniform, Low areas, Localized
- Prior Environmental
- Rain
- Season
- Post transplant
- Cropping System
- Annual plasticulture
Plant death shortly after planting, plant stunting, plant yellowing.
Similar Problems
Herbicide injury, fertilizer injury, drought injury - lack of water during establishment.
Additional Information
Damage can vary from death within days of planting to only slight stunting. Cool moist conditions do not favor fumigant dissipation.
Diagnostic Tips
Damage may be more prevalent in wetter areas and heavier soils. During very wet years injury may be through entire field. Secondary infection on affected tissue may be present. Small areas of affected plants will be present where fumigation rig stops prior to turning off fumigant.
Corrective Measures
May be able to replant if problem is discovered shortly after planting and fumigant has dissipated. Punch holes 24 hours prior to plating if fumigant residue is detected to allow fumigant to escape. Plant a few test plants several days prior to planting entire field if in doubt.
Apply fumigant at proper rate. Allow extra time between application and planting if conditions are cool and wet. Fumigate earlier than minimal plant back date to allow for poor environmental conditions.
Useful Resources
North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual
Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium
NCCE Strawberry Growers portal
Funding Sources
Funding was provided in part by the National Sustainable Agriculture Program: Sustainable Strawberry Initiative and the following sources.